
Dove siamo

The Centro Convegni Sant'Agostino is easily reached and is located in Via Guelfa, one of the main thoroughfares in Cortona’s historic center

The city of Cortona is in Tuscany, in the Province of Arezzo. You can arrive:

By plane

The nearest airports are those of FLORENCE (about 120Km from Cortona) and PERUGIA (about 60Km from Cortona). On arrival at one of these airports, there are convenient train connections available.

By train

The train line Firenze/Roma to the stations of Terontola or Camucia-Cortona. The train line Terontola Perugia-Assisi-Terni to the station of Terontola. On arrival in either station, one can easily reach Cortona by taxi or bus.

By car

Exit the A1 highway (Autostrada del Sole) at the Valdichiana exit. From here take the Superstrada E45 (from Siena to Perugia) in the direction of Perugia and exit at Cortona (Cortona San Lorenzo). From here follow the numerous signs indicating the way to Cortona.

Bus service

If you arrive at the train stations of Camucia, Terontola, Arezzo or Castiglion Fiorentino, it is possible to reach Cortona with the bus service Etruriamobilità Scarl.

Timetables and information at:

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