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Corso autunnale, School in Cortona, University of Alberta

Corso autunnale, School in Cortona, University of Alberta

dal 05.10.2014 al 12.12.2014

Centro Convegni S.Agostino

Each year, students from all Faculties and disciplines travel to Cortona, Italy and enrol in courses that take advantage of this unique Tuscan location.  U of A professors conduct regular classroom lectures (in English) on diverse topics like Renaissance Art, Roman Civilization, Italian language and Political Science.


Instead of studying it in a textbook, students actually travel to see Michelangelo's David.  Instead of learning Italian in a lab, the students live it.  Studying at the School in Cortona is more than just attending lectures - it's about immersing yourself in a relevant cultural experience.


How does our program differ from other study abroad opportunities? 


The application process is simple.  

There are no transfer credit issues because you will be taking U of A courses registered on Beartracks.   Obviously, this means they will also count in your GPA. 

The best part is that you will be earning U of A credit and also studying abroad, something that  is especially critical (and sometimes impossible) if you already have transfer credit in your degree.

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